
Hello! 👋 My name is Malan but everyone calls me "Fox". I'm a full stack web developer specializing in frontend development.

I have more than 15 years of experience working on several kinds of IT projects, and have been awarded a Bachelors of Science degree in Informatics from the University of South Africa.

My computer knowledge spans multiple fields and languages, with a significant focus on web development and interface design. My interests also include game development, sound engineering and music production.

👉 More details on my LinkedIn

My projects

Sample of active projects I've been working on. ⚒️

Boulder Trap Games!

Studio name under which we develop and publish our games. 👇

Boulder Trap Logo

In fine company

Some of the awesome places I've worked at! 🥇

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Stay in touch 🤙

If you wanna see what I get up to then I suggest you follow me on Twitter (or X) for semi regular updates. I tweet about technology, indie gaming and even share some of own my digital musings.

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